• Mar 30,2022
  • In Review
  • By Abundant Art

The Other Art Fair makes you see the world a little differently!

What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than strolling around ‘The Other Art Fair’ at the former industrial site, The Truman Brewery, on Brick Lane in London? You’ll see great art, chat to the artists themselves, and explore your own preferences and tastes. Since launching in 2011, The Other Art Fair is the only global art event dedicated to representing independent artists. Their online partner and presenter is online art gallery and artist network Saatchi Art who champions and exhibits original artworks by the world’s top emerging artists.

Looking at the displays, it’s hard not to be amazed by the vivid imaginations of the artists. The art dominates the huge gallery space and there is a huge variety in texture, material and tone. Taking in the eclectic arrangements of unique and original artworks, some pieces really caught my eye. One of them was UK born artist Anton Byrne-Carter’s oil on canvas ‘Francis Bacon’ painting. After spending many years as a professional photographer Anton chose to go back to his first love, painting. He couldn’t have captured Francis Bacon’s likeness any better and it’s astonishing how he’s achieved this with his unique painting technique. Having recently seen Bacon’s Man and Beast exhibition at the RA, I was reminded of it and I was drawn towards Anton’s portrait. I think of Francis Bacon as the Alexander McQueen of the art world. Both produced shocking and dramatic work and there is a biographical element to their work. Our writer Celine writes in her review of the ‘Man and Beast’ exhibition in detail about this unique artist (www.abundantart.net/review/francis-bacon-man-and-beast-ra-review/)

Another piece that was impossible to miss was the award-winning Artist James Earley’s thought provoking piece ‘Sir Tony’. Earley paints a powerful political satire combining portraiture juxtaposed with revealing and uncomfortable statistics, such as the number of children killed by Blair’s war on Iraq. The effect is shocking yet thought-provoking and engenders admiration for the skill required for this kind of composition. The subjects are often topical and highlight injustices and hypocrisy in today’s society. The facial expressions and relative dimensions of the subjects suggest the gross inequality of lives around the world. In the picture of Sir Tony, featured above, references are made to the number of lives lost and those who suffered. Earley uses his art to fight against the injustices in the world and draws attention to the hyprocrisy of the modern world.

Another stand out exhibit was contemporary fine art photographer Steve Gallagher’s floral portfolio, a true work of art that effortlessly catches the eye. Translucent No. 6. explores the beauty and intricacy of a dying orchid and evokes a strong emotional response. His new limited edition collection of fine art photography celebrates the beauty and mesmerising majesty of the natural world around us. His intricately detailed floral portraits are beautiful.

Multidisciplinary artist and designer Emily Penfold’s aqua neon light art piece ‘Stung’ spoke to me on a very personal level. Although I’ve been stung badly by a jellyfish in the past, I’m not afraid of swimming in the Seas that inhabit them.They look so delicate and beautiful, it’s hard to fear them. Emily explores the delicacy of the sea creatures with their lightness and their dark side. She reminds us that these creatures, especially jellyfish, may look fragile but may also have a deadly sting just like in nature. I love this piece!

The exhibits at The Other Art Fair make you see the world a little differently and who wouldn’t dream of building a collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures and photographs? This is the place to inspire you to start thinking about what you like and start collecting.

Links to artists featured in review –

Anton Byrne-Carter – saatchiart.com/antonbc

James Earley – saatchiart.com/all

Steve Gallagher – saatchiart.com/all

Emily Penfold – saatchiart.com/all  emilypenfold.com/light-art

Collage photo picture created with Canva.com / all photos provided by the Artists.

Written by Julia Nelson who does operations and marketing for Abundant Art.

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